Classifieds in Haveli, Maharashtra
- 4K Cars
- 4K Car parts
- 2K Bicycles
- 10K Motorcycles and parts
- 3K Kids’ products & Toys
- 750 Baby Carriages
- 3K Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 15K Furniture
- 6K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 9K Computers and parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 828 Photo & Cameras
- 5K Audio and video
- 3K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 22K Books
- 3K Pets and animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 3K Music instruments
- 6K Sport

Rs 4,500
Aakash-Allen-Resonance-Fiitjee for both IIT and Medical (2016-17)
Get each and every coaching institute books at the lowest price in top class condition.. This is the best deal for...

Rs 4,500
Aakash-Allen-Resonance-Fiitjee for both IIT and Medical (2016-17)
Get each and every coaching institute books at the lowest price in top class condition.. This is the best deal for...

Rs 11,000
Excellent condition with all necessary
Excellent condition with all necessary accessories.

Rs 450
Indian polity 5th edition by M Laxmikanth
Indian polity 5th edition by M Laxmikanth (brand new unused)

Rs 1,200,000
Want to sell our old house on urgent basis.. Its
Want to sell our old house on urgent basis.. Its a double floor with electric meter and tap connection. With 2...

Rs 1,600
JBL Go brand new speaker for sale.. Ordered from flipkart
JBL Go brand new speaker for sale.. Ordered from flipkart. With bill
Reason for selling - Upgrading to JBL flip2

Rs 3,750
Original set of Sony Speakers with connecting
Original set of Sony Speakers with connecting wires Fully working

Rs 1,100
Floral vintage porcline flower vase
Floral vintage porcline flower vase in excellent condition. please do not bargain much courier facility available ....

Rs 10,100
Andriod phone brand new look Sony Xperia T2 ultra
Sony xperia T2 ultra , 6 inch phone , 13 MP camera , 1GB Ram , Sim sleek rich look today time best in android .

Rs 1,500
Combo of New and used mixed Salwar and kurti for
Combo of New and used mixed Salwar and kurti for sale at Undri location.

Rs 12,000
Best PS3 original games of 28 CDs going at and amazing rate.
Best PS3 games of 24 CDs sold at 500 each. If bought separate plz get in touch for the price of each. No exchange

Rs 450,000
Volkswagen Polo Highline1.2l (p), 2012, Petrol
Excellent condition
Vehicle Specs:
Make: Volkswagen
Model: Polo
Variant: Polo Highline1.2L (P)
Vehicle Type:...

Rs 2,500
Projectors Remote control Any brand any model
Projectors Remote control Any brand any model. All model s available with different pricing depend on availability....

Rs 4,999
Brown Wooden-framed Display Cabinet
all furniture available in diffrent structures ,colours and designs in wholsale rate.u can book online...

Rs 525,000
Volkswagen Vento Highline Petrol At, 2012, Petrol
Vehicle Specs:
Make: Volkswagen
Model: Vento
Variant: Vento Highline Petrol AT
Vehicle Type: Sedans
Mileage: 50,000...

Rs 11,999
Computer 4 gb ram 320gb Hard-disk
Personal computer / Desktop computer
Intel Core 2 duo processor
4 gb ram
320gb hard-disk
17 inch Samsung led screen

Rs 60,000
120 ganesh murthi in wholesale rates bibwewadi
120 ganesh murthi in wholesale rates bibwewadi

Rs 2,399
Cheapest Price Brand New Acoustic Guitars With Bag Plectrum.
Brand New Acoustic + Semi Electric Guitars With Bag Plectrum.

Rs 500
Baby Walker available immediately. rarely used
Baby Walker available immediately. rarely used almost as new condition

Rs 2,700
PS4 Dual Shock Controller less used
Selling PS4 Dual Shock Controller in new condition only for 2700.
New price is 4500, selling for cheap price.

Rs 4,999
2 chairs n 1 bed in top condition. Used for less
2 chairs n 1 bed in top condition. Used for less than 6 months :).