Classifieds in Haveli, Maharashtra
- 4K Cars
- 4K Car parts
- 2K Bicycles
- 10K Motorcycles and parts
- 3K Kids’ products & Toys
- 750 Baby Carriages
- 3K Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 15K Furniture
- 6K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 9K Computers and parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 828 Photo & Cameras
- 5K Audio and video
- 3K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 22K Books
- 3K Pets and animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 3K Music instruments
- 6K Sport

Rs 2,500
Baby print curtains 4 full door and 2
baby print curtains 4 full door and 2 window.almost new with separate linings

Rs 15,000
Champion bLoodLine MaLe (ROTTWEILER) avaiLabLe
Champion bLoodLine MaLe (ROTTWEILER) avaiLabLe fOr MatinG

Rs 1,500
Xenon HID halogen 1 years old buying prize 5000
Xenon HID halogen 1 years old buying prize 5000 rs sell only 1500
8000k hid brightness
1000 lm
Blue bright
Sell free...

Rs 4,000
Lava X19 in perfect condition
Lava X19
specs:2gb ram
dual sim
8mp rear camera
5mp front camera
1.3ghz quadcore processor
usage: less than 6 months...

Rs 96,000
Santro Xing Car For sale
Santro Xing Car for Sale. Black colour, for more details Contact-Harish-74,47,67,65,82

Rs 27,000
2011 Suzuki Access 18000 Kms
Good Conditions Access for sale urgenly Clear title.Ashok Fix Price Only. You can see Vehicle tomorrow 4 to 6 pm...

Rs 20,000
1993 Hero Honda CD 100 123000 Kms
Hero Honda CD100 SS 1993 model. Regd upto 27/02/2018. Reg. Authority: RTO Pune

Rs 285,000
Honda Civic 1.8v Mt, 2008, Petrol
Vehicle Specs:
Make: Honda
Model: Civic
Variant: Civic 1.8V MT
Vehicle Type: Sedans

Rs 6,000
Well conditioned Kitchen cabinet..only 2 yrs used
Well conditioned Kitchen cabinet..only 2 yrs used

Rs 4,500
Aakash-Allen-Resonance-Fiitjee for both IIT and Medical (2016-17)
Get each and every coaching institute books at the lowest price in top class condition.. This is the best deal for...

Rs 1,000
Toyota Innova left tail light for type one
Toyota Innova Left tail light for type one orignal

Rs 150
Books for sale
Buy 'The various Haunts of men' by Susan Hill.
Having transferred to the small cathedral town of Lafferton from...

Rs 400
Sell Used but well maintained Technical Java books
Head First EJB - 450/-
SCJP Java 6 - 300/-
Struts 2 in Action - 400/-
Java Persistence in Hibernate - 400/-

Rs 115
White Printing Paper
Continuous Printing Paper for dot matrix printer. Size 9 x 12 inc. 450 papers available.

Rs 100,000
Tata Nano Lx, 2011, Petrol
Immaculate Condition Tata Nano top end with new tires ,power windows , central locking , fog lights ,dark filming on...

Rs 1,800
Latest 2017 alloy fidget spinner it is very
latest 2017 alloy fidget spinner it is very smooth to handle and it is heavy if u want to buy tell me before because...

Rs 35,000
Honda Activa 80000 Kms 2009 year
Honda Activa 80000 Kms 2009 year
good condition singale hand used..

Rs 7,999
I wants to sell my brand new samsung j5 prime phone urgentlly
I wants to sell my phone urgentlly wid bill and all accessories need money urgently

Rs 33,500
Brand New Oneplus 5 128gb.bill date 1st
Brand New seal oneplus 5 128gb.bill date 1st Aug.Reason for sale ..need cash urgent.

Rs 18,500
Osim iSymphony Massage Chair
This Osim massage chair is in perfect working condition and it offers a variety of relaxing massages. Original price...

Rs 9,000
3 seated + 2 chair sagvan sofa with good quality
3 seated + 2 chair sagvan sofa with good quality cushion