Classifieds in Haveli, Maharashtra
- 4K Cars
- 4K Car parts
- 2K Bicycles
- 10K Motorcycles and parts
- 3K Kids’ products & Toys
- 750 Baby Carriages
- 3K Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 15K Furniture
- 6K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 9K Computers and parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 828 Photo & Cameras
- 5K Audio and video
- 3K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 22K Books
- 3K Pets and animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 3K Music instruments
- 6K Sport

Rs 730,000
Triumph Street twin bonneville 900cc
Triumph Street twin bonneville
Immaculate condition Scratchless
Single owner
Zero dep insurance valid till April...

Rs 11,800
HP Laptop i3 ProcessorWith 500GB hard Disk in Exellent Condition
I want to sell my HP Laptop . The laptop is in Exellent Condition Good Battery Backup And exellent Performance .

Rs 2,500
Eureka Forbes Aquaguard good working condition
Eureka Forbes Aquaguard good working condition

Rs 5,500
7 months old wardrobe in next to brand new
7 months old wardrobe in next to brand new condintion

Rs 4,500
Aakash-Allen-Resonance-Fiitjee for both IIT and Medical (2016-17)
Get each and every coaching institute books at the lowest price in top class condition.. This is the best deal for...

Rs 22,000
Hero Honda Splendor 88000 Kms 2010 year
In good condition. Possession will be in 7days after your confirmation. Bike is from Ratnagiri, so NOC needs to be...

Rs 8,000
18s old very rear antic golden coin in very cheap
18s old very rear antic golden coin in very cheap prise

Rs 65,000
Korg krome Best keyboard ever with Indian sounds
Korg krome Best keyboard ever with Indian sounds

Rs 50,000
Offer! New inspiron 15R special edition DELL laptop
3rd Generation intel core i5-3210M processor

Rs 10,000
Logitech Z 906 5.1 channel THX certified speker
Logitech Z 906 5.1 channel THX certified speker + creative 5.1 channel external sound card usb

Rs 9,000
3 seated + 2 chair sagvan sofa with good quality
3 seated + 2 chair sagvan sofa with good quality cushion

Rs 1,450,000
Bmw X1 Sdrive20d(h), 2011, Diesel
super Xcellent condition highline with sunroof and and seriously interested buyers pl call

Rs 7,990
Brand new pack piece Morphy Richard food
Brand new pack piece Morphy Richard food processor .Interested buyers Only call No chat will be replied

Rs 4,500
Elegant and Descent 12 Mm Thick Glass CENTRE
Elegant and Descent 12 Mm Thick Glass CENTRE Table 48" X 27" Price negotiable.

Rs 2,300
Brand new filter for all bikes & non gears. Only
Brand new filter for all bikes & non gears. Only 2(25 km.) days use.

Rs 390,000
Harley Davidson Street 750 Cruiser Bike. Matt Black
Harley Davidson Street 750
model 2015
single Owner
pune Registered
2700 Km
matt Black Color
new Ins From The Date Of...

Rs 400
Sell Used but well maintained Technical Java books
Head First EJB - 450/-
SCJP Java 6 - 300/-
Struts 2 in Action - 400/-
Java Persistence in Hibernate - 400/-

Rs 3,250
Moto G2 2.5 years old, with Bill and box.
Moto G2 2.5 years old, with Bill. BOX can be provided after a month.
Motorola G 2nd generation 16 GB
Good condition...

Rs 20,000
Grab Your Lappy Before Its 2 Late.
Dell Inspiron 14r,
processor-i3 6 generation 2.5ghz,
,512mb Graphics Card
metal Body
windows 7 Ultimate...

Rs 1,200
Goosebumps Horrorland- series 1-12 and individual books 13, 14 and 16
Goosebumps Horrorland- Part 1-12 series
Paper cover | few folds | no tears | book 1-12 are one continuous story and...

Rs 50,000
28 box of Paper reams available for sale Per ream
28 box of Paper reams available for sale
Per ream cost 150
75 gsm quility paper

Rs 900
Upsc general studies 2014and csat for Rs 900
upsc general studies 2014and csat for Rs 900 books in excellent condition

Rs 500
10 day old Helmet. Perfect condition. Bought it
10 day old Helmet. Perfect condition. Bought it for 800.

Rs 2,500
Wrangler shoes. excellent condition. brand new. 8
wrangler shoes. excellent condition. brand new. 8 number. never used.

Rs 9,600
Brown Wooden Bed Frame
All furniture available in diffrent structures colours and designs in wholsale rate.

Rs 5,445
New Assembled Intel C2d 4ram 320gbhdd 1year Warranty
Now Enjoy High Speed With New CPU
==INTEL CORE 2 DUO 2.66Hz...

Rs 2,500
GPS Tracking System for bike, car, trucks
GPS Tracking System for bike, car, trucks