Classifieds in Haveli, Maharashtra
- 4K Cars
- 4K Car parts
- 2K Bicycles
- 10K Motorcycles and parts
- 3K Kids’ products & Toys
- 750 Baby Carriages
- 3K Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 15K Furniture
- 6K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 9K Computers and parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 828 Photo & Cameras
- 5K Audio and video
- 3K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 22K Books
- 3K Pets and animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 3K Music instruments
- 6K Sport

Rs 900
MHT-CET PCM Books of latest edition for Sale
MHT-CET PCM Books of latest edition for Sale (Haven't used)

Rs 1,500
Steel Kitchen Rack
Its very useful rack I was using it in Kitchen, due to Modular Fittings I am unable to use it.
Its quiet heavy I...

Rs 23,000
XBOX one console with games
XBOX one console bought from Dubai for friend. Instead on One s I bought XBOX one 1 TB.

Rs 4,500
Aakash-Allen-Resonance-Fiitjee for both IIT and Medical (2016-17)
Get each and every coaching institute books at the lowest price in top class condition.. This is the best deal for...

Rs 4,500
Brown Wooden Cabinet
Brown Wooden Cabinet. Bought it in Jan, barely used.
Can also arrange for transport if you let me know.

Rs 49,999
2016 Honda Activa 10000 Kms 46k fix price
Good condition time 2 time service November 2015 purchase means 2016 kachi pakki not used
Good average 1st owner all...

Rs 3,000
5 x4 Wall Mural - Original Cost Rs. 40,000
Selling this because interior is being redone and architect has decided to use an other painting.
When my door is...

Rs 15,223
LCD projectors very cheap price
LCD projectors very cheap price
lDemo Available in our Demo theatre.
Desideal Digital projector House.
6 Diamond...

Rs 1,000
Aquarium & pet Products
We r super stockist for international brand HAGEN (FLUVAL, MARINA, EXO TERRA, LIVING WORLD, ELITE, DOG IT, CATIT),...

Rs 6,300,000
2 bhk apartments available for sale in Hadapsar
Leisure Town Pune is 22 acres of gigantic residential township getting structured in the coming time period. This...

Rs 750
Two IIT Physics Books JPNP
Two I.I.T. Physics Books. Unused. Grrat condition. Price is negotiable

Rs 699
Spinner sale!! Limited period offer !! metal
Spinner sale!! Limited period offer !! metal fidget spinner!

Rs 300
Water container in new condition..rarely used..
Water container in new condition..rarely used..

Rs 180
Ukdiche modak..Ganapati special as per order..12 pieces rate
ukdiche modak..Ganapati special as per order..12 modak for 180...hurry

Rs 24,000
Black And Gray Dell Laptop Computer
Dell Inspiron Laptop N5110
Processor- i7 2.0 Ghz
WIndows 10
HDD 500 GB
Battery backup 1Hr

Rs 25,000
It's an year old HP Ac179tx laptop. specifics: 1
it's an year old HP Ac179tx laptop.
1 TB Hard-disk
18.5 Inches display
2 GB Graphics
Intel I5 6th...

Rs 2,100
Very old Antique Tin tanker
antique tin tanker in excellent condition the upper part moves . weight of the tanker is 1 kg 350 grams side ways 9...

Rs 15,888
Dell DLP Projectors model 1210S Ready stock 2700
Dell DLP Projectors model 1210S Ready stock 2700 lumens high bright long lamp life of 4500 hours new lamp good...

Rs 4,500
Aakash-Allen-Resonance-Fiitjee for both IIT and Medical (2016-17)
Get each and every coaching institute books at the lowest price in top class condition.. This is the best deal for...

Rs 600
White And Black Water Purifier
White And Black Water Purifier.
New filter tube replaced last month. I am selling it as I moved to new flat which...

Rs 4,601
In working conditionnnn from HOC!! FUJITSU DDR3 ONLY 4601/-
In working conditionnnn from HOC!! FUJITSU DDR3 ONLY 4601/-
NEW branded fUJITSU DDR3 CPU with ( 1 year warranty )...

Rs 10,900
Dealers for import & factory refurbished laptops i3,i5 ,i7 + GST
Dealers for import & factory refurbished laptops i3,i5 ,i7 + GST + adapter